
compact cnc milling machine, cnc milling machine china, best small cnc milling machine

compact cnc milling machine, cnc milling machine china, best small cnc milling machine

2022-05-10 17:50:23

CNC milling machine is developed on the basis of general milling machine. Both processing technology is basically the same, the structure is also somewhat similar. But CNC milling  machine is automatic processing machine controlled by the program, its structure is also very different from ordinary milling machine.


This paper is going to introduce the differences between ordinary milling machining and CNC milling machining.


compact cnc milling machine, cnc milling machine china, best small cnc milling machine


Advantages Of Cnc Milling Machining Over Ordinary Milling Machining


CNC milling processing has the following characteristics in addition to the features of normal milling machining:


It has strong adaptability and good flexibility for parts processing. It can process the parts whose contour shape is particularly complicated or whose size is difficult to control, such as mould parts, shell parts, etc.


It can process ordinary machine tools can not process or difficult to process parts, such as complex curve parts described by mathematical models and three- dimensional space surface parts.


It can process a clamping positioning, the need for multi- process processing of parts, such as in horizontal milling machine can be easily on the box parts for drilling, reaming, reaming, boring, tapping thread, milling end face, digging groove and other multi-process processing.


It has high processing precision, stable and reliable processing quality.


Its production automation process is high, can reduce the operator's labor intensity. Conducive to production management automation.


It is highly productive. Generally, it can eliminate the work of marking and intermediate inspection, and can eliminate the complex tooling and reduce the installation and adjustment of parts. It can effectively reduce the auxiliary time in machining and improve production efficiency by selecting the best process line and cutting amount.


Precautions For Operation


When entering the workshop for practice, you should wear good work clothes. Big cuffs should be tight and shirts should be tucked in. Women wear a hard hat with braids built into the hat. Sandals, slippers, high heels, vests, skirts and scarves are not allowed to enter the workshop. Note: It is not allowed to operate the machine with gloves;


Be careful not to move or damage the warning sign installed on the machine tool;


Be careful not to place obstacles around the machine tool, the working space should be large enough;


If two or more people are required to complete a task together, attention should be paid to  coordination;


Do not use compressed air to clean machine tools, electrical cabinets and NC units.


Practice should be carried out on designated machine tools and computers. Do not move  other machine tools, tools or electrical switches without permission.


Maintenance Of CNC Milling Machine


After using CNC milling machine, we should give it good maintenance. Specific maintenance methods are as follows:


After using CNC milling machine at that time, CNC milling machine body, drilling floor and other places will appear all kinds of debris, and even CNC milling machine near the ground will have a lot of debris. Do not underestimate these debris, do not clean up for a long time will be a problem. Because the debris gets harder to clean up over time. And that's where we get our  headaches.


When the CNC milling machine speed given signal is a step signal, the CNC milling machine current regulator input a large value, but its value has reached the set saturation value. At this time the CNC milling machine motor to the system control function of the maximum limit current operation, so that the CNC milling machine motor in the acceleration process always maintain the maximum torque and maximum acceleration state, in order to shorten the starting, braking process.


CNC milling machine processing, can accurately estimate the control information in advance,  easy to realize the standardization of processing information, has been combined with computer aided and manufacturing organic together, is the basis of modern integrated manufacturing technology.



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